
Website Configuration Creation and Installation

  • You can create it manually in Settings --> Websites
  • or create it in Page mode using wsm create


  • navs, trigger: /
  • outline, trigger: `
  • anchors, trigger: #
  • actions, trigger: ;

wsm install can find and install the Website configuration from the Steward official Websites repository, and wsm uninstall for uninstalling

Website's data structure

  "author":"solobat", // required
  "host":"", // required, `minimatch`
  // Generate navigations, trigger: '/' [not required]
  "navs":"header ul a",
  // Specify the area to extract the outline, trigger: '`'
  "outlineScope":".markdown-body,.gollum-markdown-content", // [jquery] css selector
  // Supplement to `navs`, trigger: '/' [not required]
  // vars for paths
  "version":4, // rqeuired
  // trigger: '#'
  // trigger: ';'
      "pattern":"/*/*", // `minimatch`
      "selector":".get-repo-btn:nth-child(2)", // css[jquery] selector
      "title":"Download Zip"
        "template":"git clone {{text}}" // string template for copy
      "title":"Copy Git URL"